Introversion Inactivity 10 (16.5) People scoring high on this Trait are generally active and energetic, enjoying all kinds of physical activity including hard work and exercise, pursuing a wide variety of different interests. People with low scores are inclined to be physically inactive, lethargic and easily tired. They prefer leisurely activities and find it hard to get going in the morning. High activity is an extravert characteristic: such a person is outgoing because he has clear goals and knows what he wants - this provides the energy. Low activity tends to go with introversion: a more inward-looking, self-conscious and inhibited personality. The person's goals may not be as clear - he may have suffered failure or trauma in the past and therefore have less confidence and energy. Socialability 18 (16.5) People scoring high on this Trait tend to seek out the company of others, they like social functions such as parties and dances and are comfortable when meeting new people. They are extraverted and unselfconscious in company. People with low scores prefer to have only a few special friends (who are like them) and most enjoy doing things on their own. They tend to be selfconscious and worry about finding things to talk about with other people. Though they may feel content enough, they seem to others to be introverted and, maybe, unfriendly. They have probably had frustrating or humiliating experiences in the past when trying to communicate and so they avoid risking a repetition. They may justify this with a consideration that others are unintelligent or trivial, further solidifying their inhibition. Or they may feel that they have better things to do! RiskTaking 15.5 (15.5) High scorers seek rewards with little concern for the possible adverse consequences and they find that an element of risk adds spice to their life. They are not afraid of change or growth or exposing their feelings. People with low scores prefer familiarity, safety and security, even if it means sacrificing some degree of excitement in their life. Such a person is ruled by fears. Control 8 (17.5) High scorers are inclined to act on the spur of the moment, make hurried and sometimes premature decisions - without adequate information - may easily get into debt, do not necessarily finish what they have started and are usually carefree, changeable and unpredictable. Those with low scores consider matters very carefully before making a decision. Liking things to be under their control, they are systematic, orderly, cautious and take their responsibilities seriously. As with other introvert traits, they may lack spontaneity and be ruled by fears. Expressiveness 14.5 (11.5) The ability to express one's emotions outwardly and openly, whether love, hate, to make up extraversion. High scorers tend to be volatile and demonstrative. Those with low scores inhibit the expression of their thoughts and feelings, and try to bury upsets in the past, leaving themselves frustrated and unheard. Reflectiveness 24.5 (17.5) To reflect is to think and imagine, within one's own mental universe. High scores on this trait are therefore towards introversion. Those with high scores tend to be interested in knowledge for its own sake, rather than its practical application. They are generally thoughtful and introspective, and are interested in ideas, abstractions and speculations. The introspection may however occur because the person has received information that confuses their thinking, or accepted another's evaluation which causes them to doubt their own viewpoint and reality. Or they may have problems that are unsolvable because they are unwilling to face the realities of the situation, and they try to find solace in theories or dogma. Of course, the ability to look inward and reflect is necessary for considered actions, and the ability to visualize objectives and be open to intuitive ideas is behind all human creativity. Reflection is also necessary for the process of re-evaluation of one's beliefs and strategies. But when this occurs without objectivity or direction, it is a quagmire. Those with low scores are more practically minded and extraverted. They prefer to get on and do things rather than think at length about all the pros and cons. Sometimes, in the case of compulsive extraversion, this is because the person is afraid to look at the ethics of what he is doing or to face the realities of the situation or of their own past experiences. Responsibility 21 (14.5) Responsibility is a trait that leans somewhat towards introversion. Those with high scores are likely to be conscientious (even compulsively so), reliable, trustworthy and serious-minded. But while many extravert traits portray a person in good shape, if not taken to extremes, an element of introversion in the area of responsibility serves as a valuable balance. Those with low scores are more inclined to be casual, careless, unpredictable and perhaps socially irresponsible, in an extraverted manner. To cause effects without the appropriate knowledge and understanding, and without proper control of what happens, is irresponsible, as is to do nothing when you know something should be done. So like the ability to reflect, this can be a weak area in those who are uninhibited but do not have the necessary awareness - of themselves and the viewpoints of others - to act responsibly. Emotional Stability Self-Esteem 24.5 (18.5) Self-esteem is a trait of emotional stability, of being comfortable with oneself. Lack of self esteem, or inferiority complex, is a trait of emotional instability or neuroticism. Self-esteem is acquired through a history of successfully completed actions that demonstrate competence: the ability to produce a desired effect. Those with high self-esteem scores have plenty of confidence in themselves and their abilities and believe that they are well-liked by other people. Those with low scores have a low opinion of themselves and tend to project that opinion into other peoples' minds so they then assume that others consider them unattractive or incapable. This makes them self-conscious and inhibited. Such "mind-reading" needs to be disputed and self-esteem recovered by the acknowledgement of achievements. Happiness 20 (18.5) High emotional tone - cheerful enthusiasm - is a trait of emotional stability. Lowered emotional tone - if it is based on chronic upsets - leads to decreasing stability or "neuroticism" with self-defeating and usually inappropriate negative emotions such as hostility, anger, fear, grief, apathy. Emotional tone is a reflection of the degree of survival - pleasure versus pain - in one's life (which extends to one's sexual and romantic life and the success of the groups with which one identifies). The more unconfronted pain is stored up in the past, the easier that pain may be restimulated by new circumstances and cause one to be reactive (rather than conscious) in one's behavior. Those with a high score on happiness are satisfied with their existence, find life rewarding and are at peace with the world. They are on top of things, emotionally stable, and do not take problems too seriously. For them life is full of challenges, like a game. Those with low scores are characteristically pessimistic, gloomy and depressed, disappointed in their existence and at odds with the world - others are against them and serious problems abound. They tend to blame others rather than take responsibility for their own choices in life. The depressed person tends to be fearful, apathetic and ill, broken by spells of manic dramatization of rightness against supposed opponents. Calm 7 (15.5) Anxious persons are easily upset when things go slightly wrong and are inclined to worry unnecessarily about what may or may not happen. They are ruled by fears and suffer a high level of stress. When anxieties are exaggerated or irrational, emotions become unstable and may develop into neurotic compulsions or phobias. Those with low scores are placid, serene and resistant to irrational fears and anxieties - that is, provided they are reasonably happy and outgoing. This implies an understanding that problems are best faced with equanimity, that resistance does not make them go away, and that problems - if faced squarely - are really the stuff that makes life interesting. A person in apathy or grief, however, may not feel anxiety because he has already given up (fear being a more causative emotional tone than apathy or grief). Obsessive 14.5 (10.5) Obsessiveness is another kind of neurosis which can cause emotional instability. High scorers on this trait are careful, conscientious, highly disciplined but may also be staid, finicky and easily irritated by things that are unclean, untidy or disorganized. Obsessiveness is driven by "That must never happen again", so it rules out adventure and spontaneity. Trouble is, what you resist tends to be empowered. Obsessions can become compulsive so that a person's life is dominated by unwelcome thoughts or protective habit patterns. Those with low scores are casual, easy-going, with less need for order, routine and ritual to protect themselves from the unforseen. Life is less serious and problematical, more spontaneous and fun. Independance 26 (15.5) One may be self-directed or directed by others. Autonomy or self-determinism is eroded by the cultural conditioning of our upbringing and the continuous assault of the media, so that many lives are to a considerable extent programmed, as in a hypnotic trance. High scorers on this trait enjoy a great deal of freedom and independence, make their own decisions and take realistic action towards achieving their own goals in life. Those with low scores lack self-reliance, think of themselves as pawns of fate, pushed around by other people, events and the society at large so that they are not really leading their own lives at all. They show a high degree of "authoritarian submission", an unquestioning obedience to institutional power and the status quo. Their goals are not their own. Undoing this cultural trance and recovering one's spiritual identity is a major theme of the trans4mind site. Sense of Health 6 (9) Hypochondria is a tendency to imagine one is ill or to acquire psychosomatic symptoms in order to gain attention and sympathy or to avoid responsibility. High scorers complain of a wide variety of physical symptoms, show a great deal of concern about their state of health and frequently demand the sympathetic attention of their doctor and their family and friends. However they tend not to make rational changes to improve their health, such as by better diet and exercise, because the illness serves them and they would not want to be without it. Psychosomatic symptoms may also be the result of re-stimulation of past physical or emotional trauma by present circumstances; but this does not tend to be lasting unless the illness serves the person in some way. Those with low scores are seldom ill and do not worry very much about their health; which is not to say that they do not take responsibility for their health. They enjoy being alive. Freedom from Guilt 6 (12.5) Guilt is an emotional instability that unfortunately is closely tied with cultural conditioning. Parental and religious shoulds and shouldn'ts create dependencies that are usually irrational, based on the fear of judgement and punishment. Ethics and judgement are not imposed from above but are self-imposed. Misdeeds are mistakes, misguided actions, from which we can learn. Learning is what life is all about and that is the truth of karma. When we allow ourselves to learn such a lesson, the slate is wiped clean - by ourselves. When we continue to justify our actions and defend our rightnesses - against the true voice of conscience of the Higher Self (not the replayed tapes of earlier authorities) which is unspoken but always known - then we continue to suffer. Those with high scores are self-abasing and troubled by their conscience, regardless of whether their behavior is really morally reprehensible. Excessive self-recrimination, often due to a religious background, is a neurotic characteristic. Mastery/Sympathy Peacefulness 9.5 (12.5) Those with high scores are given to the direct or indirect expression of aggression, e.g. through temper tantrums, fighting, violent arguments or sarcasm. They take no nonsense and feel compelled to return fire or get back at anyone who comes up against them. They like to be master of a situation and are not interested in the other's point of view or feelings. Sympathy is something they don't understand because winning in a game is all-important and losers are fools. They are very defensive and are really covering up their own shortcomings, but far from having given up they energetically feel attack is the best form of defense. Those with low scores are gentle, sympathetic, even-tempered, prefer to avoid personal conflict and abhor violence whether physical or indirect.This may be because they see the futility of an aggressive approach and prefer to encourage communication, empathy and understanding as the best way to obtain agreement or to improve a situation. Or on the negative side, it may be because they lack drive and sincere beliefs and so are not involved enough to care. Assertiveness 18.5 (15.5) Those with high scores have what is sometimes called a "strong personality": they are independent, dominant, and stand up for their rights, perhaps to the extent of being viewed as "pushy". Those with low scores are humble, timid, submissive, disinclined to take any inititative into any interpersonal situation and may easily be imposed upon. Assertiveness is often confused with aggressiveness, but really it is a matter of standing up for your rights and for what you feel is right, i.e. the assertion of ethics. As long as one is not rude, or inconsiderate of the rights of others, the ability to be assertive is an asset and is necessary to achieve worthwhile aims and impose some order and justice in one's environment. Ambitiousness 21 (14.5) Those with high scores are ambitious, hard-working, competitive, keen to improve their social standing and place a high value on productivity or creative output. They have clear aims in life and are willing to put in the effort to achieve them. Those with low scores place little value on competitive performance or creating worthwhile effects. Such a person may be retiring, aimless or apathetic; this may be because of past failures, disillusionment, a feeling of estrangement from the goals of society, or simply not having established a personal identity or vision for the future. Empathy (Manipulation) 3.5 (12.5) Those with high scores tend to be detached, calculating, shrewd, worldly, expedient and self-interested in their dealings with other people; at the extreme this may be psychopathic, where empathy is impossible - the world view of the criminal or tyrant. Those with low scores are warm-hearted, trusting, empathetic, straightforward, honest and altruistic, perhaps also a little naive and gullible. Most people would like to have empathic relationships since this quality is necessary for good communication, shared agreements and mutual understanding. However, the need to be right, fixed ideas and the stresses of survival may drive people into manipulative strategies, as seen all too commonly in the home or in the workplace. Sensation-Seeking 17.5 (15.5) Those with high scores tend to seek thrills in life, they love novel experiences and the spice of a little danger. They are easily bored and so seek new sensations and exciting experiences to become involved in. This may be because they do not like their own company and mental environment and so seek to be immersed in outside stimuli to escape from home truths. Those with low scores have little need for excitement and adventure; instead they prefer the secure and familiar comforts of home. They may be scared of social intercourse and risk-taking; or they may be "deep thinkers" who feel that parties and the like are a waste of their valuable time and small-talk to be trivial. Flexibility (Dogmatism) 15 (15.5) Those with high scores are dogmatic. They have set, uncompromising views on most matters and are likely to defend them vigorously and vociferously. They are defending their identity by fixing it rigidly and they perceive many people as enemies or opponents. Those with low scores are less rigid and less likely to see things in black and white. They are flexible and therefore open to rational persuasion and tolerant of uncertainty. They have the ability to learn from their mistakes, to develop themselves, to respect others and to think creatively. In the extreme, however, this may be a person who is confused, has low self-esteem and no real idea of what is right and wrong and is therefore easily swayed and manipulated. Masculinity 20 (13.5) Those with high scores are definitely living up to the macho masculine stereotype. They are tolerant of - and may even enjoy - violence, obscenity and swearing; they are disinclined to show weakness or sentimentality of any kind, e.g. by crying or expressing love, and they rely on reason rather than intuition to come to decisions. Those with low scores are easily upset by another's misfortune, by blood, bugs, brutality, etc and are fascinated by delicate matters such as romance, children, fine arts, flowers and clothes. Obviously men score much higher on average than women but there is a great deal of variation within each sex and the cultural conditioning of gender stereotypes is under increasing scrutiny. Sexuality Libido 24.5 (27.5) Sexual libido (sex drive) is often correlated with quick sexual arousal, interest in visual explicitness and a liking for impersonal penetrative sex, which is rather a masculine view of the nature of sex and does not take account of the equally strong more feminine drive towards procreation, the aesthetic pleasure and eroticism of sex, and the expression of intimacy through shared pleasure and contact. When partners are happy to contribute towards the fulfillment of each other's needs and desires, then compatibility is possible and male values complement female. This requires communication, honesty and empathy, which is why sex in the context of a loving relationship is so much more fulfilling. Those with high scores may tend to regard the sex partner as a sex object and pay little attention to his or her personality and desires, and in particular to seek only sensual satisfaction rather than a meaningful personal relationship. Women tend to regard this form of sexual behavior as less attractive than do men; for a woman, eroticism tends to require more emotional committment. A high scorer tends to value sexual pleasure above other aspects of a loving relationship. Extreme high scores suggest a compulsion for sexual outlet, in which case this may be a substitute for a suppressed major unmet need (e.g. for love, belonging or intimacy); if this is not handled and a normal sexual expression is not possible then socially unacceptable means may be turned to. Those with low scores are likely to have no impulse for voyeurism or exhibitionism, a distaste for sexual explicitness and especially pornography and have no strong longing for the physical act of intercourse. They may find it hard to get sexually aroused, or conditions may have to be "just right", which implies there is not a compatible partner with whom empathy and intimacy is readily available. On the other hand, they may be looking for more spiritual qualities than being "good in bed" or the sex drive may have been satisfactorily sublimated into other creative activities. There are, it seems, archetypal (genetic, primitive-brain pattern) differences between male and female, hence men and women in practice tend to have different attitudes towards sex and therefore a different norm on the questionnaire, though this is very much affected by cultural conditioning, painful or pleasurable experiences and of course conscious preference; this is not "how it should be" or necessarily is. Sexuality is also affected by individual bio-rhythms, age and emotional tone; stress, nervousness and tension, especially regarding the partner, are an immediate destroyer of sexual feelings. Satisfaction 27 (21.5) High scores indicate considerable fulfillment which is naturally for most people a very desirable state of affairs. Those with low scores are likely to be dissatisfied with their sex lives and probably are quite unhappy about this, since the sex drive is such a basic part of our make-up. Sexual inhibitions can cause a real sense of imbalance or dysfunction in one's life and behavior, such as sexual shyness, prudishness and disgust. Low scorers tend to feel nervous with the opposite sex, embarrassed when taking about sex and sometimes afraid of sexual relationships altogether, e.g. in case they are inadequate or in case the partner behaves without empathy or in a way they disapprove of. A compulsion (a normal urge that becomes amplified when it is resisted) that cannot be normally satisfied, e.g. due to shyness or the partner's refusal, may lead to exhibitionism, voyeurism, or even enforced sex on unwilling participants. Very often the cause is misinformation about the nature and value of sex (e.g. from parents, peers, media or religion) or bad experiences with others who were themselves neurotic or psychotic in this area. Another primary reason is a failure in communication between the partners. A person's satisfaction with their sex life may be quite independent of his or her sexual appetite. Some couples may be quite fulfilled sexually without frequent active sex; this is more likely to be the case with older people. Permissiveness 26 (16.5) A high score on this trait means that you have a modern, permissive attitude to sex and find irrelevant the old-fashioned Victorian ideas of what is "right and proper". You aren't bothered about virginity, favor pre-marital (or even extra-marital) sex, believe that birth control is a liberation and generally regard sex as a pleasurable activity that is nobody's concern but that of the "consenting adults" (or adolescents - possibly even children) involved. A low score shows a person who takes sexual intercourse far more seriously, has regard for the marriage vows, is guided by religious dogma and is not in favor of "immorality" in any shape or form. Feminine attitude 15.5 (24.5) High scores indicate that the reader agrees with a stereotypical male point of view regarding sexual matters and disagrees with the typical female; low scores indicate the opposite. So one could be a male with a relatively feminine attitude towards sex or a female with a relatively masculine attitude; this is not necessarily connected with homosexuality - it may just as likely be a more open-minded view of sex than the stereotype. Social & Political Values Permissive 22 (15.5) High scorers have favourable attitudes to sexual freedom, freedom of speech and non-conformists of all kinds. Generally, they adopt an easy-going, tolerant and hedonistic view of life with respect for the right of every person to be and do as they think fit. An extreme score would indicate little idea of the need for any maintenance of social order. Low scorers disapprove of all these things and favor strict censorship, legal control of so-called vices and severe punishment for offenders. They have little respect for viewpoints that may threaten the status quo. They feel the need to control and manipulate in order to safeguard the rightness of their own identities. Non-Descriminating 1.5 (11.5) High scorers are opposed to immigration of people of different color to themselves, in favor of racial segregation within the country, believe that their own race is superior and that other races should be kept in their place and are generally antagonistic towards people of other races and nationalities. They are also likely to be sexist and ageist, i.e. very much stuck in the rightness of their own territory, sex, age, group, etc. and defensive of it. Low scorers present the opposite pattern of attitudes, recognizing the essential worth of all persons, whatever their race, sex, age, ability, belief, inclination or circumstance Non-Believer 10 (15.5) High scorers are submissive and suggestible and happy to accept answers on a plate - they may readily accept those from a socially accepted authority like the Church, particularly if the new belief gives another source than themselves with responsibility for their condition. If disillusioned by that source, they will be quick to believe in an alternative scenario without much or any personal evidence to back it up. Low scorers are sceptical and more inclined to decide for themselves what to think based on their own logic, observation and information gathering. They may, however, be failing to recognize the right-brained way of knowing that is intuitive by nature (and the only way to perceive spiritual matters), or they may simply not be interested. Capitalist 16.5 (23.5) High scorers have a socialist outlook, with sympathy towards working people and resentment towards those who receive unearned income or excessive profits; they favor internationalism and the redistribution of wealth. Low scorers have a capitalist orientation: a belief that talent and enterprise (as opposed to just hard work) should be especially rewarded, that private enterprise is more efficient than government control and that worker power is a threat to order and profits. In the context of the other Traits in this Category, socialists tend to be radical and progressive; conservatives favor a traditional viewpoint on most matters and a capitalist economic system. A tough-minded (mastery-oriented) conservative may tend towards fascism and racism. On the radical side, a tough-minded socialist may tend towards communism; a very permissive radical may tend towards anarchy. Between these extremes are the majority of people, at least in Western democracies, with a range between Republican/Tory right-wing politics (tending to be religious); Democrats/Liberals in the center; and in Europe, Socialists/Labour on the left (with both the center and left tending to pacifism and environmental concerns). Regimentation (Libertarianism) 17 (23.5) High scorers place great value on freedom of the individual and the protection of human rights. They are opposed to interference in their lives from the State, for which they have limited respect. In extreme this would be an anarchist or someone who has a button on accepting any kind of authority, even if it is imposing sensible order. Low scorers favour regulation of both business and many aspects of individual behavior. They also tend to place a high value on patriotism and loyalty to the State, because they are comforted by a powerful body - that knows best - taking full responsibility. Progressive 6.5 (16.5) People are labelled "reactionary" if they resist change to a new order of things - but then they may be right! High scorers tend to be disturbed by what they see as moral decay in society. They show strong support for traditional institutions and look to the past for their model of life. Low scorers are progressive thinkers, open to new ideas and future-oriented. They think that life is getting better - but then they may just be following the tide or latest fashion. This scale has fairly high correlation with age. Pacifism 14.5 (11.5) High scorers believe there is no justification for war; they would prefer a policy of non-violence whatever the outcome might be - indeed they may think a Ghandi-like policy would ultimately be more effective. Being gentle, humane and empathetic, they are repulsed by all violence. Generally speaking, women tend to be more peaceful than men. Low scorers favor the maintenance of military strength and an aggressive policy towards potential enemies or anyone who they consider needs teaching a lesson. They believe that violent aggression is inherent in human nature, that all persons have the right to carry arms and that the willingness to apply force is a reflection of their manliness and courage